Happy 27 Weeks, Bug! Another week has passed and we are one more closer to meeting you. Not much has changed since last week besides my belly getting a bit bigger and you finding a way to constantly kick me in my ribs. I hope you're having fun in there! No matter where you kick me, it is always a welcomed feeling so although I know you don't feel bad about it, I am officially telling you that there is no need to start feeling bad now.
This week was extremely busy and it's weeks like this that make me wonder how I am surviving my job while being pregnant. It was the beginning of the new semester at school and it seemed like every single student on my caseload found a problem with their new schedule. It is fun to see the students, but this week was just a little too much. Your Mommy really had to practice her patience this week, Bug, but at least it is over now and I am hoping that this coming week will be a bit better. It is still going to be pretty busy, but the busy atmosphere makes the weeks pass fast which is fine by me!
Just a little update on your two potential future suitors Baby Boy Hoyle and Baby Boy Wilking: both are still waiting to be born and we should be seeing Baby Hoyle any day now. Becky had her last day of work on Friday and she is now waiting for that little guy to make an appearance. Mommy and Becky were able to go to a movie today and do some grocery shopping, and it was nice to be able to do those things "one more time" before Baby Hoyle arrives! Becky's birthday is this week and, as long as Baby doesn't come, we are going to hang out with her on Wednesday. As for Baby Wilking, he is giving his family a run for their money the way it sounds. He seems to want to come early but his Mommy Sara is determined to keep him in there for another few weeks! He is due on March 15th (I think) and that is still over a month away! I can't wait for both of these little guys to be born (healthy and on time!) and for you to follow soon after. You will have lots of new friends waiting for you and, once you are born, all we have to do is wait for Baby Saliga in July! It's such an exciting time right now for your parents and for many of our friends...the anticipation is out of control!
Well Bug, it's time for me to get going. Here are some pictures of my belly this week so you can see how much you've grown. Mommy looks a little sleepy in these pictures- please forgive me. It's getting harder and harder to sleep these days because of your kicking and not being able to get comfortable. I am going to go to bed early tonight with the hopes that you will be sleepy, too, and maybe I can get a few good hours of sleep. If you could cooperate, Mommy would appreciate it!
Yea! Cute new pictures. Hopefully Baby Hoyle will be here soon, and all other babies will come on time :)