Dear Baby Bug-
What a weekend, Bug! Daddy and I were super busy doing many things, and all of those things are to get ready for you! Let me start at the beginning. It was a great weekend because Grandma Cindy came to visit. She arrived on Friday evening and Mommy was SO HAPPY to see her. Grandpa Rand couldn't come this weekend because he had to work, but I have a feeling that he may have been a little bored if he did come. When Grandma Cindy arrived, we turned right back around and headed to Betty's house for a party. It was a great night and even though Mommy was very tired, it was fun to spend time with Betty and with Grandma Cindy.
Saturday was a VERY busy day. Mommy and Grandma Cindy got up and drove out to Orland Park to meet Daddy for lunch. We went to a place called Five Guys Burgers and Fries and it was really good. After we had filled our bellies, it was time for the big task of starting to register for all of the fun things you will use. We went to Babies R Us and were there for over THREE HOURS!! Who knew that someone so small will need so much stuff!? And we didn't even get through half of what we need to do. Registering was a lot of fun and Daddy is super excited about your strollers, baby carrier, and baby monitor. He was very patient and a good sport while Mommy hemmed and hawed over which brands will be safest for you. Grandma Cindy was also very patient and I think she really enjoyed the experience. The best thing about the whole process is that we ordered your furniture AND bought the mattress for your crib! In a couple of weeks we will have your crib and dresser and I can't wait for you to be here so you can use it! Even though we were all exhausted at the end of the day, registering for all of your fun stuff was a success!
Saturday night Mommy and I went to Aunt Julie's house for another party. It was super fun and we were able to spend time with Grandma Carol, Aunt Julie, Alice, Casey, Laney, Clara, and Cammie. Your cousins are all very excited for you to come and all want to have input on what you are named. Some of the names that were tossed around are Cassidy, Joanna, Tioed (thanks to Clara) and Gwen. I am happy that they are so excited for you to get here and think it's fun hearing all of the names that they like.
Sunday was another day full of things to do. The entire Terry family (and Grandma Cindy) went to the Munster Performing Arts Center for a delicious brunch for Grandpa Jeff and Grandma Carol's 43rd anniversary. It was so nice to spend time as an entire family and we even drew names for our Christmas gift exchange. I love the holidays because we all get to see each other more often. Grandpa Jeff told me that the next big thing to look forward to in regards to you is November 23rd when you can start hearing outside sounds. I can't wait to start reading books to you and singing to you. I bet that if I ask him, Daddy will even sing his favorite song, O Holy Night for you. It is the Christmas season after all! :)
After brunch, the major project started. Daddy surprised me and cleaned out all of the drawers in the furniture in your future room so that we can move it out of the house and make room for Baby Bug! Uncle Pete came over and helped Daddy move all of the furniture out of the house and they either took it to Uncle Pete and Aunt Carrie's or to Grandma Carol's...I'm not sure where it went and don't care since it is officially out of our house! Mommy and Daddy spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the room and now it is totally ready for the next phase- painting, furniture, and decorations! We can't wait to find out whether you are a He Bug or She Bug so that we can start getting you a place of your very own. Only three more weeks until the big reveal!
I can't believe that you have been with me for 17 weeks now. It is amazing to think that we can know your gender in just three weeks. This week was big for Mommy because I think I can feel you moving around every now and then. I can't wait until I can feel you all the time- it is amazing to think that you are always in there, moving around and constantly growing. I hope that you are resting in there- you only have a few more months until you will arrive and be VERY busy. With all of these people who care about you, I have a feeling that you will have lots of visitors and lots of attention. Keep yourself cozy in there- it is getting cold and I look forward to when the weather turns will mean that you will be here! I love you Bug and Daddy loves you too!
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