Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fall Break and Another Doctor's Appointment!

Dear Baby Bug-

Hey you! I haven't been able to write to you for a while because I've been busy with Fall Break. Mommy had five whole days off from school and, as you'll come to see once you're around me for a bit, those five days were packed full of things to do! Friday was a lot of fun- we had lunch with Becky, Betty, and Beth at Edwardo's where we were all able to catch up with each other. It's amazing how time flies and before you know it, it's been a month since you've seen some of the really special people in your life. Never take time for granted, Bug. It's important to value it and the way you spend it. All of my friends are doing well and it was great to hear about what is going on with everyone. After lunch, Becky and I ran some errands and then I had to come home and pack for our fun weekend in Indianapolis.

Friday night Jess, Tom, and Ethan came to pick Mommy up so that we could drive to Sara, Jeremy, Kaden, and Baby Wilking's house. It was so much fun to see everyone and to meet up with Annie and Carrie. These are Mommy's college friends and they are so important to me. Just like my friends here, these guys (affectionately called the 342 Crew) will be a huge part of your life. It was a great weekend of laughing, catching up, and having fun. I miss those guys a lot but before we know it, we will be seeing them again.

Yesterday and today were spent catching up with important things. Mommy ran lots of errands with Becky yesterday. Becky is so much fun and such an important part of Mommy's life. She is having a baby in February and we are hoping that you and Baby Hoyle will be good friends. Becky is a great friend to Mommy for many reasons, and it is fun being pregnant together. She thinks that she is my "guinea pig" because she is going through all of this big pregnancy stuff and can tell me about it before I go through it. It is secretly pretty great! :)

Today was a wonderful day- Mommy got to go see Dr. Hamburg again. I can't believe that you've been with me for 15 weeks and 3 days and that this was my third doctor's appointment. Dr. Hamburg says that everything is looking great and your little heartbeat is 153 beats per minute. He says that Mommy has a "very good attitude" about pregnancy and it's just because I'm so excited about you. Our next appointment is on November 30th which is Great Grandma Walter's birthday. Hopefully Dr. Hamburg will order your 20 week ultrasound so we can finally find out if you're a He-bug or a She-bug. :) I can't wait!! According to the things I am reading, you should be the size of a large apple by now and Dr. Hamburg says I will probably start feeling you rolling around in there in the next few weeks. That will be so exciting! Your body is now longer than your head (which is encouraging), you can now sense light, and your taste buds are forming. It is so interesting to read about what develops in and around you from week to week- you are going to be absolutely beautiful (or handsome) and we are so looking forward to meeting you. We've still got awhile to go, so stay snug as a bug in a rug in Mommy's tummy and I'll write more to you soon. I love you Bug!


  1. Your blog is awesome, and it (almost) brings me to tears every time I read it! Thanks for the shout-out, and I am happy to be your guinea pig! I hope that Baby Hoyle and Baby Terry are best friends and love to accompany us on our daily walks! :)

  2. Everytime I read "dr hamburg" it makes me hungry! HAHA! Do you think your ultrasound will be the 30th or you'll schedule it then?
