Dear Baby Bug-
Tonight was another first for you- you went with Daddy and I to see your cousins in the Nutcracker! Cameron, Laney, and Clara plus Cammie's cousin Jo all had parts in the Indiana Youth Ballet production of the Nutcracker and we go to watch them every year. The Nutcracker is a huge tradition in the Terry family and started way before I knew Daddy. Your Great Grandpa Cass used to take everyone every year to see the Nutcracker and Daddy says that they would sit in the front row. Your Great Grandpa Cass and Great Grandma Stella were pretty amazing people from what I hear and I am sad that neither you nor I will get a chance to meet them. I think you will enjoy the stories about them just as much as I do!
The production of the Nutcracker tonight was very good and it was fun to see your cousins up on stage. Cammie was a party boy, Laney was a party boy, a pink angel, and an acrobat, Clara was a Chinese girl (I'm still rusty on my technical Nutcracker terms), and Jo was one of the cutie pies that comes out of Mother Ginger (again, don't know the technical Nutcracker term). It was a great night and we were able to see not only the girls but also Uncle Jeff, Aunt Julie, Aunt Carrie, Grandma Carol, Grandpa Jeff, and Casey. There will be many more Nutcrackers in your future, Bug, and depending on how you feel you may even be part of the Nutcracker production one day. No matter what happens, you will definitely be part of the Terry Nutcracker tradition and we can't wait to take you to your first official know, like when you can see and stuff.
Another great piece of news came today- we scheduled an appointment to find out who you are! In just two short days we will have an ultrasound after Daddy's JV basketball game to see if we can determine whether your are a boy or a girl! I am so excited and don't know how I am possibly going to be able to sleep until then. You better cooperate for this ultrasound, Bug, or you are going to have one unhappy Mommy. And believe me, you don't want to make Mommy unhappy!! No matter what, I love you and know that it won't be long before we get to meet you in person. Only 20 more weeks!
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