My post on Wednesday must have psyched you out, Bug, because you are still on the inside! Even though Dr. Hamburg thought you were going to make an appearance, you have decided to stay snug as a bug in a rug inside my tummy for a little bit longer. You should know that you are killing your Daddy. He is SO EXCITED about you coming out and every day he wonders if "today could be the day." Well, so far, it hasn't been! We are hoping that one day this week WILL be the day and we will get to meet you soon! To prove my point, this is Daddy's Facebook status from this evening:
I feel like I'm 8 years old and it's the night before the Christmas I was to get the G.I. Joe Headquarters, except whenever I wake up I don't get it - I need this baby to come out NOW. The anticipation is horrid.
See, Bug? You better come out SOON!
This week has been pretty uneventful. We were able to hang out with Becky and Finn for most of the afternoon on Wednesday which was fun as usual. Finn is getting so big and, if it is even possible, more and more handsome by the day. We can't wait for you to be here so that we can all hang out together! Thursday was a special treat- I brought Jimmy Johns into school to visit all of my co-workers one last time before you are born. It was so much fun to catch up with everyone and they can't wait for you to be here! We were able to see a bunch of people that we haven't seen in a long time, and everyone is so supportive and kind. Friday was kind of a bummer of a day for some reason. Mommy just didn't feel well but the day got better when I was able to go visit Becky and Finn again. Becky took some pictures of my tummy so that we would have some lasting memories of how you looked before you came out. Once we were done with the pictures, we ran some errands and spent the rest of the evening at home. You psyched us out a bit on Friday night, Bug. I was having contractions every five minutes for hours but they were not strong enough to go to the hospital. I was sure that you were going to start making your way out, but when I woke up on Saturday morning you were still intact and the contractions had stopped. :(
Saturday was a big day. Your cousin Casey had his confirmation so we went to his confirmation mass and then to Aunt Julie and Uncle Jeff's for lunch afterwards. It was so fun to spend the morning with the family and they , like everyone else, are wondering when you are going to arrive. I know we have to be patient, but we have all been patient for 9 months and I don't know how much longer we can last.
Today was another fun day. We went to Orland Park to meet Jess, Tom, and Ethan for lunch and then Daddy and I ran some errands. Lunch was a lot of fun and it always makes Mommy happy when I can see Jess. She is my best friend and I love her very much. :) Everyone said that I should eat some spicy food, so at P.F. Chang I had a spicy chicken dish that was not only spicy but delicious! Daddy even liked the food there and he is a little picky when it comes to eating things. I love your Daddy, but I hope you develop my taste's a little more extensive than his!
Well, Bug, here are pictures of you in my belly at 39 weeks. We are hoping that these are the last belly pictures that we take. We want the next picture of you to be on the OUTSIDE not still on the INSIDE!! We have an appointment with Dr. Hamburg on Tuesday and I plan on telling him about your little show on Friday night. I am hoping he will examine me again and tell me that I have progressed a little more. The more I am dilated and effaced before we go into labor, the quicker you are going to come!
She's almost here! She's just trying to do what you asked and stay put :) Maybe the doctor will have good news for you tomorrow :)