Dear Baby Bug-
Hello my sweet little baby! We had a very big long weekend which started on Wednesday with traveling home to Grandpa Rand and Grandma Cindy's house to spend Thanksgiving break. Daddy couldn't come because he and his team were busy winning their first game- how exciting! He didn't miss too much, though, because once we arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's we ate dinner and then I fell asleep. I'm just not much of a night owl these days.
Thanksgiving Day was great because it started off by sleeping in. I've been sleeping a little better lately and was actually able to sleep until 9:00 which is unheard of. Shortly after getting up, Grandma, Grandpa and I were sitting around the table when the doorbell rang. There was Daddy, Rudy, and Zoey there to surprise us and to spend Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for and I was so happy that Daddy could be there to spend the day. Once we were able to get ready, we headed to Great Grandma and Grandpa Walter's house for the Thanksgiving feast.
Oh, Bug, it was so good to spend time with family! Most of the Walter family was at dinner and we spent the day eating, talking, and sleeping. Aunt Molly commented that by this time next year, you'll be 7 months old and may even be crawling around! That will be great- you can help us work off our dinners! She also brought up some neat coincidences. I was born the year that Aunt Molly graduated from high school and now you will be born the same day that her daughter, your cousin Mattia, graduates high school. Also, Aunt Molly was 30 when she had her first baby and I will be 30 when I have you! So now she thinks I am destined to have 4 girls...we will see about that! :) Once we had eaten ourselves silly, we helped clean up the dishes and went back to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the night. Daddy, Rudy, and Zoey had to go home but it was nice to be with them for the whole day.
Friday was a full day of running around with Grandma Cindy. We visited a bunch of different places in Shipshewana to look for gliders for your nursery. We found a couple that I liked, but it was more about spending time with Grandma Cindy than actually finding the glider. That evening, we went with Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Rand to eat dinner and to see the movie Unstoppable. It was really good and we had a great night.
Saturday was a very busy but fun day. We were able to sleep in again and then we headed to Fort Wayne to do some more Christmas shopping. I am so proud of myself- it isn't even December and I only have two more people to buy for- hooray! After we shopped for a while, we met your Uncle Glenn, Aunt Sharon, and cousin Sarah for dinner at Texas Road House to celebrate my birthday. It was so much fun to sit and catch up. We are so close with them and Sarah and Mommy have been great friends since we were babies. It is not very often that we are able to spend chunks of time together but when we do, it is a lot of fun and much appreciated. After dinner, we headed back to the mall for a little more shopping and even though we got home late, it was totally worth it!
Now it is Sunday, the last day of Mommy's break. Even though I am sad it's over, it has been a lot of fun and pretty relaxing. Today was probably one of the busiest days of all. It started with church in the morning and then we went to McDonald's for breakfast with Grandma Cindy, Grandpa Rand, Great Grandma and Grandpa Walter, Terry, Adam, and Lindsay. After breakfast, Mommy had to head for home so that I could make it back for Becky and Randy's baby shower. I made it back just in time and the shower was perfect! I can't wait for you and Baby Hoyle to meet and be good friends, just like me and Becky. I have a feeling we will all spend a lot of time together. The shower was a lot of fun and they got a lot of really neat stuff. It is so exciting that Baby Hoyle will be here in just two short months...and you will be following just two months later!! Holy cow!
After this long weekend, Mommy is ready for bed. We have a big week ahead of us with a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and my birthday party on Saturday plus Daddy has two big games. I think the time between now and April 23rd is going to fly by and I just want to enjoy feeling you grow and kick inside of me so that I can enjoy you even more when you are here! We love you, Bug!